Remote test proctors are needed for all those online classes. Click here
Interapt is hiring remote workers at $16-$18 an hour Click here for more info
Amazon is hiring 100,000 positions across the country. Click here for more info.
Franciscan Kitchen
The Franciscan Kitchen is looking for volunteers to help feed their clients.
Many of their regular volunteers are in the category of “most vulnerable” when it comes to the Corona virus. Could you step in and help us serve our forgotten brothers and sisters at this time? We need volunteers from 10:00 until 1:00 on weekdays to help pass out to-go lunches. Our guests are taking their hot lunch outside to eat it, minimizing the time that we share the same space. Volunteers are also needed for early morning prep work. since our meals are now to go, there are a lot of things to put in small containers.
If you are able to help us please call 589-0140 and ask for Chuck.
Kentucky Health Justice Network
People seeking gender affirming care can contact the KHJN Trans Health Program at 502-694-2227 or fill out our confidential form.
People seeking access to abortion care can contact the KHJN Abortion Support Fund at 1-855-576-4576.
BCBenefits can help cover the costs of getting free birth control. See if you qualify for a year’s worth of the method of your choice by going to the All Access EKY website.
Emergency contraception is still available by appointment, please reach out to us on social media Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or via email at [email protected] to schedule a time for pick up in Louisville.
All Homeless Shelters
According to the Coalition for the Homeless, all homeless shelters have an immediate need for cleaning supplies and cash to help handle the emergency.
Agencies are listed here:
If you can bring supplies, please call ahead to arrange drop off, and plan to leave the supplies outside.
Humane Society
The Humane Society remains open and has an URGENT need for people to adopt pets. They also need supplies donated. Visit their website for more information.
Employees of LGBTQ Businesses
With the closure of bars and restaurants, many service employees are without income
Community Ministries
Donate to support the community ministries delivering direct emergency assistance
Mutual Assistance Sites
Several people are organizing sites to share information and match people in need with potential helpers.
Black Lives Matter has put together a VERY comprehensive page with lots and lots of information: Black Lives Matter mutual aid page
Louisville COVID-19 matches people who are seniors or immune compromised, with young and healthy people who can do their shopping or otherwise help. Louisville COVID-19 Match