Raising money for the Amirage Saling Scholarship

The Louisville Pride Foundation and the Transgender Wellness Coalition are raising money to honor the memory of Amirage Saling, who passed away unexpectedly last month.

Amirage graduated from the Kent School of Social Work and worked as a Social Worker for Volunteers of America.

Her family has asked that donations be made to the Kent School Trans* Champion Scholarship, which has been created in her memory.

To start the ball rolling, the Louisville Pride Foundation and the Transgender Wellness Coalition are contributing $500 each.

To donate and share the fundraiser on Facebook, click here. To give directly to Kent School, click here.

Four Questions with Louisville Showing Up for Racial Justice

Jess Reese interviews Sonja Wilde-de Vries about Louisville Showing Up for Racial Justice.  Sonja is a documentary filmmaker, photographer and poet. Her films include “Out: The Making of a Revolutionary” and “Gay Cuba”, her most recent publications include an anthology “The Junkie Who Loved Horses” and her own work “The Hour of Departure” She has been an anti-racist activist since she was 17.

Jess Reese

JESS: We’re going to be talking about the role white LGBTQIA people can play in racial justice movements and why we need to show up. Let’s start by introducing ourselves. My name is Jessica Reese. I usually go by Jess. I’m from east Tennessee originally and have lived in Louisville for five years. For the purposes of this conversation, it might be useful to share that I’m a cisgender white woman, and I’m bisexual. Who are you, Sonja? (I realize that’s a big question!)

SONJA: My name is Sonja de Vries. I am a pansexual, queer white woman and have been with LSURJ since it started here in Louisville. My activism started early, rooted in a family that lived through Nazi occupation (in the Netherlands) and resisted. I heard stories of resistance throughout my childhood. My mother as a child gathered toys to send to the Spanish fighting fascism and then was locked in a closet by her Nazi sympathizer teacher when the bombs were dropping. My grandfather escaped a Dutch concentration camp after being imprisoned there along with his brother. My grandmother risked her life and her family by hiding others whom the Nazis were persecuting in the floor space beneath the living room. So I learned about resistance and solidarity from them.

Sonja (left) with friends and fellow activists celebrating a historical marker for the Braden Center

JESS: Could you talk a little about how you came to understand that struggles for LGBTQIA rights and struggles for racial justice are connected? Part of it for me came out of looking for history and just any kind of footing as a clueless queer person, and then learning about people like Sylvia Rivera. You watch Rivera’s big speech from 1973—she’s talking about jails and violence, and she’s calling out racism in white gay and lesbian groups, and she ends by crying out this cheer for gay power. And it’s clear that all of these fights are connected because it’s all her life, you know?

So that’s a piece of it—trying to learn about history because it’s powerful to me just to know that queer and trans people have always been here, but then being challenged by that history too. What about for you?

SONJA: I came out as a teenager and also considered myself a feminist. I was part of an organization of white folks who organized against the Klan and other white supremacist groups, and we were working under the leadership of a black and Puerto Rican led movement that was also anti-capitalist. I was introduced to writers like Audre Lorde and Barbara Smith, and the Combahee River Collective statement was something we discussed at length. I came to understand that mainstream white feminism was leaving a lot of people out—Black women, Indigenous women, Women of Color in general, as well as working-class and poor white women. Back when I came out, the story of Stonewall was still that it was a bunch of white gay men who led that uprising! So glad that young queers today are getting the real story.

JESS: Kind of continuing in the same vein: one of SURJ’s values is mutual interest. In SURJ, white people don’t get involved in racial justice fights because we’re trying to “help” or “save” people of color. It’s not charity. We’re trying to do our part to build the world that we want to live in too.

For white queer, nonbinary, and trans people, it’s worth lifting up that racist systems tend to be homophobic and transphobic as well, right? Take the legal system: we know it’s racist to the point of being deadly for people of color, especially Black people. We don’t need to look any further than Louisville for examples: Breonna Taylor, Shelby Gazaway, Darnell Wicker, and so many more. The legal system has also criminalized—and still criminalizes at times—how we dress, how we have sex, how we express our gender, and how we survive or make money. So I think there’s something specific at stake for us as we get into anti-racism work and support Black trans and queer people, who are most impacted by all of the above. What do you think about mutual interest, solidarity, and that tricky concept of allyship?

SONJA: This system (racialized capitalism) is built to benefit a minority of people at the top. It gives scraps (some of them chunky scraps!) to some folks, white privilege being part of that. And that’s deliberate. White supremacy is a construct and an ideology that binds this system together. Which is why you have a lot of white folks who have a hard time seeing that it is the system that is keeping them down and not their neighbor. But look at the rate of poverty in Louisville for example—in some neighborhoods it’s between 30%-50% of families living below the poverty level! And LGBTQ folks who exist across all class and racial lines—think of the energy spent on scapegoating and targeting LGBTQ folks while making some compromises that do not upset the system too much—like marriage equality, like joining the military. In fact, in some ways, though those concessions are important and were fought for, they also bolster the system and give credence to the lie that we can all be free under this system.

I don’t think that mutual interest is an easy one-line answer (which would be great, right?). What I do know is that in my heart and mind the statement that “if the most oppressed are leading, and, if the most oppressed win freedom, we will ALL be free” is the truest statement, because really, under racial capitalism, the majority of people suffer economically and also spiritually, mentally, physically on every level. Even the folks who have a fair amount of class privilege are dying at high rates from suicide and addiction—because this is an unhealthy, inhuman system on every level, and the more we can understand that, the more we can fight to transform it on deep levels instead of trying to get a slice of a very rotten pie. 

What sustains you in this work, concretely, and what practices or moments ground you deeper in the work to overthrow white supremacy and this whole oppressive system?

JESS: I’m still figuring out the sustainability piece, but I really enjoy learning new things (shoutout to fellow nerds, we need you!). I’m often listening to a podcast like Justice in America or Strange Fruit, or I’m trying to read up on an issue or a part of history I don’t know as much about. (Along those lines, I recommend a great LPF blog post from over the summer: “Black Queer Lives Matter 101: An Introduction” by Heather Brydie Harris.) Learning what other people are up to, how they talk about their work, and how we got here in the first place—that all clarifies for me what I can do. This might not be everybody’s experience, but knowing more and getting specific helps me feel less overwhelmed, not more overwhelmed. Then everything feels more sustainable. What about for you?

SONJA: Reading is one important thing for me. I reread James Baldwin in particular because I think he has so much to teach us, and he goes so deep and has such a tender, fierce regard for humanity. His fiction as well as essays have taught me more about racism and about the construct of white identity than almost anything else I’ve read. Also, being in nature and in community—both things remind me why I still love being in the world (and we all need antidotes to despair) and why I continue to fight for social, economic, and racial justice…and environmental justice, because if we don’t fight for that too, we may not have anything left. Also, it’s the relationships. The other day I was marching, and sometimes I’m kind of shy, believe it or not, but I ended up racing to keep up with a veteran in a motorized wheelchair and we had such a good time laughing and talking. These are some of the things that keep me going.

Louisville Pride joins national Pride Stride 5k

The Louisville Pride Foundation is excited to join the the first-ever nationwide LGBTQ+ virtual 5k/10k event to commemorate National Coming Out Day!  The event is not a race, and anyone can participate. Choose 5k or 10k and then run, walk, dance, prance, or roll at your own pace, anytime between now and Oct 31. Registrants will receive an official Pride Stride race bib, swag bag, and other cool stuff, and a portion of your Pride Stride registration fee will help support the Louisville Pride Foundation!

U of L Pride highlights LGBTQ leaders in the movement for Black lives

October is Pride Month at the University of Louisville, and the keynote event is a panel discussion celebrating and amplifying local LGBTQ leaders in the Movement for Black Lives, including Phelix Crittenden, Hannah Drake, Keturah Herron, and Talesha Wilson. Panel will be moderated by #TeamStrangeFruit, Dr. Kaila Story and Jaison Gardner.

October 8, 7:00 PM

Virtual Event Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pride-keynote-the-fight-for-black-lives-tickets-122705995937

See more events at U of L

Our statement on Breonna Taylor grand jury decision: This is unsurprising bullshit.

This is unsurprising bullshit. 

The grand jury decision in the Breonna Taylor case is not justice. To only bring three charges of wanton endangerment, none of them directly related to the death of Breonna Taylor, is just plain bullshit. 

While this decision is terrible, it is unsurprising. The problem is not that one officer or one grand juror is racist. The problem is that the entire system, top to bottom, is racist. This is the expected outcome of a criminal justice system which is rooted in white supremacy. 

In response to this decision, the Louisville Pride Foundation is immediately giving $1,000 in unrestricted funding from our Social Justice Fund to each of the following organizations:

  • Black Lives Matter Louisville 
  • The Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression
  • The Bail Project
  • Change Today, Change Tomorrow

We invite you to donate to our Social Justice Fund, or directly to the organizations above. The Louisville Pride Foundation established the Social Justice Fund in June 2020 to support social justice and human dignity, with a focus on anti-racist work. Donations can be made at www.facebook.com/louprideky or at www.louprideky.org/socialjusticefund

Louisville Pride Foundation reschedules Town Halls and announces endorsement of Breonna’s Law

We had originally planned to hold two online Town Hall meetings this week regarding the ongoing project to open an LGBTQ Community Center. However, we have decided to cancel those meetings and we will reschedule them at a later date.

With the decision of the grand jury expected very soon in the Breonna Taylor case, Louisville is a city filled with anxiety and unease. We cannot have a substantive discussion about a community center when many people in our community cannot be emotionally present for it. To do so would be insensitive and ill-timed.

Louisville Pride continues to support Justice for Breonna. Police violence and systemic racism are LGBTQ issues, and LGBTQ people are a part of this struggle.  Last week, the Louisville Pride Foundation voted to formally endorse “Breonna’s Law.” This bill has been filed in the Kentucky General Assembly by State Representative Attica Scott and will ban “no-knock” warrants. Ending “no-knock” warrants will not end systemic racism and injustice in the United States, but it is a step in the right direction.

Louisville Pride Town Hall meeting on an LGBTQ+ Community Center in Louisville

You are invited to join us for a Town Hall meeting on an LGBTQ+ Community Center in Louisville.

The purpose of this meeting is to present a proposal for a center for the LGBTQ+ community. This is part of a process led by the Louisville Pride Foundation, the Kentuckiana Pride Foundation, and the Louisville Youth Group, and facilitated by the Center for Nonprofit Excellence. This process has built upon the work done by the Louisville LGBTQ+ Community Coalition in 2016-2017. The Town Hall will update the community on the process and lay out a plan for the final phase of this project.

The town hall will consist of:
– a 30 minute presentation (Facebook and Zoom)
– 30 minutes of break-out discussions (Zoom only)
– a 30 minute Q & A (Facebook and Zoom)

The meetings are identical, but are offered at separate times to make them more accessible. The Presentation and Q&A may be watched on Facebook Live, but participants must register on Zoom to participate in the breakout sessions. The breakout sessions will NOT be shown via Facebook Live.

Town Hall Number One

Wednesday, September 23rd

4:00 PM – 5:30 PM

RSVP on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/events/624800984884598

Register on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpcuqvqDMsHtEbSLyxHct8-m5jCQQKDzuU

Most of the town hall can be watched on Facebook live, but Zoom registration is required to participate in the break out sessions.


Town Hall Number Two:

Saturday, September 26

10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

RSVP on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/668742060715527

Register on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkd-yvqzMvE9Cwq0l6S8jmFuanoc6nIRn_

Louisville Pride Foundation seeking volunteers for Day of Service

LGBTQ group organizes hands-on alternative after annual event cancelled due to COVID-19

The Louisville Pride Foundation is seeking volunteers for a Day of Service on September 19, the day that would have been the sixth annual Louisville Pride Festival. The Day of Service is the centerpiece of a “Celebration of Community” that will also feature a clothing drive, online trivia, wellness programming, and a virtual town hall meeting about an LGBTQ Community Center. This programming is made possible by the support of Norton Healthcare, Republic Bank, UAW Local 862, and Ford Motor Company.

“When we had to cancel the Festival, we knew that we had to replace it with something special, something that would allow people to be active,” said Louisville Pride executive director Mike Slaton.

Individuals and groups wishing to volunteer can sign up at https://louprideky.org/day-of-service-2020/. Organizations that would like to submit a project can do so as well. Team captains who register will receive a free Louisville Pride t-shirt and can be reimbursed for up to $25 in supplies and refreshments after their project.

“LGBTQ people know the value of community, so we are hoping for a really great turnout,” Slaton said. “We are encouraging neighborhood cleanups as a safe way to volunteer while social distancing, but people can organize other projects as well. We are also organizing a clothing drive for Clothe the West, which provides a no-contact way for people to give back.”

The Louisville Pride Foundation is a 501(C)3 organization that promotes Louisville as one community that celebrates diversity, fosters inclusion for all and embraces the LGBTQA community. The Foundation organizes the free Louisville Pride Festival on Bardstown Road every year. This year’s event was cancelled due to COVID-19.

Anyone interested in volunteering can visit www.louprideky.org or email [email protected].

Book Club Review: “Juliet Takes A Breath”

By Wrae Sanders

I love to read and have read books on many different topics- WWII memoirs, the Holocaust, psychology, and so on. I haven’t spent a lot of time reading LGBTQ+ oriented books, and I probably should read more.

“Juliet Takes A Breath” was a wonderful book to read. The details truly made me feel like I was right there with Juliet.

In the beginning of the novel, Juliet comes out to her family as a lesbian and it didn’t go very well. She was about to leave for a cross- country trip and this just added to her sadness as she left. This is probably more common than most readers realize and it can really affect a person’s future. Juliet is scared that her trip, going to work for an author that she adores, will not go the way she hopes it will. She later becomes anxious and homesick after reaching Portland, OR.

While she is there, Juliet meets people who are different from her. She’s not used to sticking out so much, since she is from New York City.

The question “Are you Puerto Rican enough or are you just a white girl with dark skin?” comes up to Juliet while discovering herself.
BAM. That’s a deep question. I am biracial (black and white) and that’s something I have been asked on either race. It’s also hard to answer, because what is “enough”? Everyone has a different measurement.

There isn’t a way to tell of someone is “enough” of a race or ethnicity, because someone will always judge you. No matter what you do.

I couldn’t stop reading this novel once I started. Gabby Rivera poured her heart and words into her work. I was so glad to see Juliet get a better ending than she had hoped for.

Juliet went through quite a bit in a short time- a new haircut that reflected her coming out, an unexpected trip to see her cousin and aunt (who are very supportive) and finding out that when you put someone on a pedestal, they don’t always live up to your thoughts.

I liked the fact that Juliet’s anxiety was factored into the story. Mental health issues are a struggle for many of us, but it isn’t highlighted as much for the LGBT+ and/or the Latinx community.

I would love to see another novel by Gabby Rivera. I appreciated her attention to detail and loving the craft of writing itself.