LYG Junior Group (each Friday)

LYG Headquarters 600 E Broadway, Louisville, KY

Youth programming run by Parents; for youth ages 12 and younger.

GLAST Recovery Support Group

First Lutheran Church, 417 E Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202, USA 600 E Broadway

Gays and Lesbians Achieving Sobriety Together (GLAST) -Weekly peer support group GLAST believes every addicted LGBTQ+ person has an opportunity to get clean and sober. By working in collaboration with community leaders, we can lend a helping hand to LGBTQ+ people who struggle with addiction. Should you have any questions, please reach out to GLAST

Chill Bar Trivia

Chill Bar Highlands 1117 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY

Hosts: Harrison and Alex Prizes!

Studio 54 Dance Party at Chill Bar

Chill Bar Highlands 1117 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY

DJ Syimone Go-Go Boys Drink Specials All Night

Film Fest Encores: “Leave It On the Floor”

Join us to see some of the best films from the ten year history of the Louisville LGBT Film Festival, starting with "Leave it on the Floor" online

LYG Junior Group (each Friday)

LYG Headquarters 600 E Broadway, Louisville, KY

Youth programming run by Parents; for youth ages 12 and younger.

Digital Pride Drag Show

Facebook Live - Louisville Pride

Weekly online drag show, hosted by SYIMONE and sponsored by UAW Local 862.