Gentleman Jack Watch Party

Molly Malone's Irish Pub 933 Baxter Ave, Louisville, KY

Welcome to our next series of watch parties, featuring Gentleman Jack on HBO. We will be showing Season 1 leading up to the release of Season 2 in April, which we'll also show! What better way to pass the rest of winter than with some more queer TV?Bring your friends, grab a bite, and enjoy

Louisville Trans Men Meeting

See Below

For member safety, our meeting location is kept confidential.If you are interested in joining, please contact us by email, phone, or on our Facebook page.Is this group for you? Contact us at [email protected] for meeting details. You can also text or leave a voicemail at 502-509-7576. You can also fill out this form at: Meeting Topics & ThemesAdvocating for yourselfSpiritualityBeing

SAGE PRISM – LBGTQ Bereavement Support Group (2nd/4th Monday of month)

3526 Ephraim McDowell Dr Louisville, KY

PRISM-Pathway-Resilience-Insight-Solace-Membership Hosparus Health Grief Counseling Center This ongoing peer-centered loss support group is for those in the LGBTQ community who are grieving a loss due to the death of a partner/spouse, parent, sibling, or other significant relationship. Pre-registration is required for first time attendees by calling Hosparus Health Grief Counseling Center at (502) 456-5451 or

GLAST Recovery Support Group

First Lutheran Church 600 E Broadway, Louisville, KY

Gays and Lesbians Achieving Sobriety Together (GLAST) -Weekly peer support group GLAST believes every addicted LGBTQ+ person has an opportunity to get clean and sober. By working in collaboration with community leaders, we can lend a helping hand to LGBTQ+ people who struggle with addiction. Should you have any questions, please reach out to GLAST

Chill Bar Trivia

Chill Bar Highlands 1117 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY

Hosts: Harrison and Alex Prizes!

Provocative Perspectives

1619 W Main St Louisville, KY

Provocative Perspectives is a conversation series co-produced by 1619 Flux: Art + Activism in partnership with The Community Foundation of Louisville forming a dialogue with local residents about pressing issues impacting the future of our city.​Each event features a guest speaker serving as a Provocateur and four group facilitators. The Provocateur then leads dynamic group

Studio 54 Dance Party at Chill Bar

Chill Bar Highlands 1117 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY

DJ Syimone Go-Go Boys Drink Specials All Night