Chill Bar Trivia
Chill Bar Highlands 1117 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KYHosts: Harrison and Alex Prizes!
Hosts: Harrison and Alex Prizes!
This event has a video call. Join: +1 814-718-0523 PIN: 301085819# View more phone numbers:
DJ Syimone Go-Go Boys Drink Specials All Night
Youth programming run by Parents; for youth ages 12 and younger.
Fridays until April 17
Welcome to our next series of watch parties, featuring Gentleman Jack on HBO. We will be showing Season 1 leading up to the release of Season 2 in April, which we'll also show! What better way to pass the rest of winter than with some more queer TV?Bring your friends, grab a bite, and enjoy …
Monthly open game night hosted by Louisville Pride and the Wolfpack
Gays and Lesbians Achieving Sobriety Together (GLAST) -Weekly peer support group GLAST believes every addicted LGBTQ+ person has an opportunity to get clean and sober. By working in collaboration with community leaders, we can lend a helping hand to LGBTQ+ people who struggle with addiction. Should you have any questions, please reach out to GLAST …