LGBTQ Study Recruitment Request

The University of Louisville wants to hear the opinions of LGBTQ+ individuals in Kentucky and Southern Indiana. We are conducting a research study to help us learn about LGBTQ+ individuals’ thoughts and experiences related to cervical cancer screening (commonly called a Pap or Pap Smear). Participation will take about 1½ hours total, and participants will receive a $20 gift card for completing an online survey and a virtual (or telephone) interview. If you are interested in participating, you may find more information and if you are eligible by following this link:

Please share this email, the above link, and the attached flier with other LGBTQ+ individuals that may be interested in participating in this research. Information from the online surveys and interviews will be used to help develop a program that will focus on decreasing the risk of cervical cancer for LGBTQ+ people. We value your opinion and appreciate your time.