Louisville Pride Foundation reschedules Town Halls and announces endorsement of Breonna’s Law

We had originally planned to hold two online Town Hall meetings this week regarding the ongoing project to open an LGBTQ Community Center. However, we have decided to cancel those meetings and we will reschedule them at a later date.

With the decision of the grand jury expected very soon in the Breonna Taylor case, Louisville is a city filled with anxiety and unease. We cannot have a substantive discussion about a community center when many people in our community cannot be emotionally present for it. To do so would be insensitive and ill-timed.

Louisville Pride continues to support Justice for Breonna. Police violence and systemic racism are LGBTQ issues, and LGBTQ people are a part of this struggle.  Last week, the Louisville Pride Foundation voted to formally endorse “Breonna’s Law.” This bill has been filed in the Kentucky General Assembly by State Representative Attica Scott and will ban “no-knock” warrants. Ending “no-knock” warrants will not end systemic racism and injustice in the United States, but it is a step in the right direction.