
Highland Baptist Church is an LGBTQ affirming faith community

If you’re looking for an LGBTQ-affirming, vibrant Christian faith community, Highland Baptist Church may be for you. Located on the corner of Grinstead Drive and Cherokee Road in the eclectic Highlands community, the church has a mission based on creating a world where justice, love, and respect for differences are abundant. Situated on land gifted by Norton heiress Juliette Norton Marvin, parts of the current church have been serving the area since 1908. During the Great Depression of the 1930s [...]

Give For Good Lousiville

For the lead up to Give For Good Louisville, one of our Board Members, Kasen Meek, wrote a powerful op-ed in the Courier-Journal about the importance of the Louisville Pride Foundation. He writes, "As an openly transgender man, I know how important and healing the spaces LPF provides are to this community. In fact, I was literally moved to tears hugging a stranger at the Louisville Pride Festival. A man, standing in the crowd with a shirt that read “Free [...]

Dawn Wilson is a leader in the LGBTQ community

It didn’t matter which search engine I used. One name kept popping up in the results. Dawn Wilson. This was the mid-1990s. There was no Google then. If you wanted to find anything on the newly developed World Wide Web you either used Lycos, AltaVista or Yahoo.  As someone who did not understand why I had conflicts regarding my gender identity I was scouring anything I could to understand the subject of being transgender and during those searches I would [...]

Labor Day and the LGBTQ Community

In honor of Labor Day, we are sharing two articles about how the history of the labor movement and the LGBQTQ community are interconnected. Learn more from GLADD about the stories behind Milk, Brother Outsider, When We Rise, and Pride, with a particular focus on labor. According to a 2019 article in Teen Vogue, "the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) [reports that] more than one in four trans workers have lost a job due to bias, with over three-fourths [...]

Pride Night at the Louisville Bats

The Louisville Bats have teamed up with Louisville Pride Foundation, Derby City Pride League & Queer Kentucky to host Pride Night at the ballpark! Fans can help support each organization by visiting the link below. By choosing to purchase tickets through this collaboration, a portion of each ticket purchased will help support the organization of your choice. In addition to to raising LGBTQ visibility, a portion of ticket sales benefits the Louisville Pride Foundation! Click here to buy your ticket. [...]

Submit an idea!

We are getting a lot of neat ideas for alternative ways to celebrate Pride! In order to help us evaluate the different options, we are making a Request for Proposals for 2021 Festival Alternatives. If you have an idea, please follow the instructions below and submit it by September 3rd. Background: The 2021 Louisville Pride Festival was scheduled for September 18th. It has been cancelled due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases. In the interest of providing safe activities for [...]

Spalding’s CBH Offers Affirming and Accessible Mental Healthcare

One of the hardest parts of living as a queer person in a red state is finding affirming, knowledgeable healthcare providers. The Center for Behavioral Health (CBH) is a training clinic within Spalding University’s Professional School of Psychology that offers accessible, LGBTQ+ affirming mental healthcare. CBH clinicians are doctoral-level clinical psychology students, who are directly supervised by licensed psychologists. As a doctoral training clinic, CBH offers evidence based treatment using the most current research available. “Two of the core values [...]

What is Rainbow Capitalism?

  Yellow and red lighted building during night time Louisville Business First interviews Spencer Jenkins of Queer Kentucky and LPF Board Member Xian Brooks about rainbow capitalism. "Pride-related marketing has exploded in the years following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage in 2015," writes Haley Cawthon, and "it’s usually what drives corporate sponsorship dollars that keeps organizations like [Queer Kentucky] afloat and increases visibility on a national scale." The article has suggestions for businesses that [...]

LGBTQ+ Retirement Planning

David Rae has an article about retirement planning for LGBTQ+ people in Forbes. According to Rae, "More than 3 million LGBT Americans are currently over age 50, and that number is estimated to more than double over the next decade as baby boomers ride in on a rainbow-hued silver wave... There is a retirement planning crisis across the spectrum in America, but many in the LGBTQ+ community are especially at risk of not being able to maintain their standard of [...]

How 7 hospitals are improving LGBTQ-centered care and reducing discrimination

For Pride Month, Becker's Hospital Review looks at how 7 hospitals across the country are trying to reduce LGBTQ health care disparities. "More than half of patients in the LGBTQ community report having faced discrimination in a healthcare setting. Seventy percent of transgender or gender-nonconforming patients said they have experienced discrimination in a healthcare setting, and 56 percent of lesbian, gay or bisexual patients reported facing discrimination in healthcare, according to the Human Rights Campaign's "Healthcare Equality Index 2020." Locally, you [...]

Republic Bank Launches True Name Initiative

Republic Bank just made it a lot easier for transgender, non-binary, and gender nonconforming propel to have their true name on their debit card! According to their press release, "You can proudly display your chosen name and present your true identity with the Republic Bank Mastercard Debit Card with the True Name feature on personal and business checking accounts. Because whether you are buying groceries or out with friends, you should always be accepted for who you truly are. Republic [...]

How to change gender on a driver’s license

Brown and white short coated dog wearing sunglasses inside car The folks over at Bankrate have put together a comprehensive list of the state laws and guidelines on how to change gender on a driver’s license. They verified the information with local groups, including Fauver Law Office of Louisville and the TransKentucky advocacy group. Below is the current process for Kentucky and Indiana, but information is always subject to change! You can see the full, up-to-date list here: [...]

Free LGBT+ Youth Summer Tech Camps

Person at computer Here is a great opportunity we are offering to our amazing  LGBT+ community partners about our upcoming National LGBT+ Youth Summer Tech Camps.   Maven Youth is a national nonprofit which provides LGBT+ Youth to network, organize and educate for social change through technology.  We foster a rare safe space for LGBT+ Youth (14-24) to explore careers in tech while learning to code with other LGBT+ Youth across the country. If you ever looked into [...]

Louisville Pride Festival returns for 2021!

  The Sixth Louisville Pride Festival will be September 18, 2021 The Louisville Pride Festival will be returning for its sixth year on Saturday, September 18. The Festival was held every year from 2015-2019. In 2020, the Foundation launched a Digital Pride initiative to deliver virtual programming and organized a Day of Service when the Festival could not be held, due to COVID-19. The Louisville Pride Festival is an annual street fair and concert that is held on [...]

Mental Health Resources and Opportunities

A  roundup of local resources and opportunities related to queer mental health. Gender Journey Teen Therapy Group at Mandala House This online therapy group offers support and skill building for teens (ages 14-19) who are transgender, nonbinary, gender expansive, or questioning their gender. Topics covered include assertive communication, self-advocacy, coping skills, peer and family relationships, and accessing gender affirming healthcare. Much of group’s content comes from The Gender Quest Workbook, and individuals joining the group are encouraged to have access [...]

Metro Savings Progeram

Louisville Metro Government offers a free savings program that connects you to a financial coach who can help you to achieve your goals. Not ready to save? Behind on bills? Stuck at step one? AcceLOUrate Savings can help! Contact a coach to work with you on your financial plan. Offices are at South Central Neighborhood Place, Bridges of Hope Neighborhood Place, and Ujima Neighborhood Place, but coaches can serve anyone. All appointments are virtual during COVID-19. Learn more about Accelourate savings [...]

Metro Financial Navigators Can Help You Access Benefits

Do you need help managing your money or accessing public programs because of COVID-19? Louisville Metro Government, in partnership with The Louisville Housing and Opportunities Micro-Enterprise Community Development Loan Fund (LHOME) has launched a no-cost Financial Navigator Program. You can receive assistance and guidance over the phone to help you manage the financial impact of COVID-19. Trained Financial Navigators are available to help you manage financial issues, identify actions steps, and make referrals to other programs and services. To sign [...]

Scientific American: Trans Girls Belong in Girls Sports 

Scientific American debunks the argument that trans girls should not be allowed to play on girls teams. From the article: "There is no epidemic of transgender girls dominating female sports. Attempts to force transgender girls to play on the boys’ teams are unconscionable attacks on already marginalized transgender children, and they don’t address a real problem. They’re unscientific, and they would cause serious mental health damage to both cisgender and transgender youth."