Louisville Pride continues to connect people through Digital Pride

The Louisville Pride Foundation has launched a Digital Pride initiative to continue bringing people together during social distancing. Digital Pride is evolving, but so far it includes bi-weekly Community Conversations, hosted by the LPF Executive Director Mike Slaton, and a weekly virtual drag show, sponsored by United Auto Workers Local 862.

Community Conversations happen Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1:00 PM on Facebook Live, and topics have included Racial Disparities, and COVID-19, Transgender Day of Visibility, and Community Efforts to Provide PPE. Archived videos are available on YouTube.

The Virtual Drag show is hosted by Syimone and happens every Friday night at 8:00 PM on Facebook Live. Louisville Pride is paying the performs, and all tips are split between the Louisville Pride Foundation and the One Louisville COVID-19 Response Fund.

LPF Events Postponed

The Louisville Pride Foundation and the Kentucky Derby Festival have postponed the “Sunday Funday Derby Drag Show Brunch” scheduled for April 26. We are working to reschedule the event for August or September , but no date has been set yet.

All Louisville Pride programming is suspended, or will be held online only, until further notice.

Committee meetings are being held by teleconference.

At this time, we are moving forward with plans for the Louisville Pride Festival on September 19, but we will monitor the situation as it develops and act on the advice of health authorities.